Friday, August 6, 2021

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Friday, July 30, 2021

Monday, July 5, 2021

DLO me and kirata dream job

   He taakuta

    A doctor

Ka neke tatau ki tonga

we would move to tonga Ka maho

rangahau maatau me pehea te mahi takuta, me pehea te mahi me te tinana o ta tangata

we would do some research on how to be a doctor and on how to work with the human body.

Thursday, June 24, 2021


 How to subtract decimals


65.9-54=11.9    65-54=11


Example:  So you write down the equation then you do the first numbers  of the equation like I did and the numbers were 65.9 and you add it with the whole number only which is 54 then you subtract the whole numbers if you want to know where the whole number is it the numbers or number before the decimal point.  And  the decimal point is the dot. Any way when you get the answer which was 11 for me you’ll want to get that answer and get your left over number which for me was .9 then you have 11.9. When you got that answer subtract the number after the decimal point.For me it’s .8 so you would do 11.9-.8=  so what is 9-8=1 and you still have 11 so the real answer for the whole equation is 11.1.The ANSWER

Sunday, June 13, 2021